• Rockin' Chamber Luncheon Committee

    Member volunteers who organize the Rockin' Chamber Luncheon
    Ty Handy
    Northwest Florida State College
    Tricia Brunson
    Niceville Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce, President & CEO
    Rachelle Waltz
    Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC, Staff Accountant
    Debbie Lewis
    ERA American Real Estate - The Debbie Lewis Team, Realtor-Consultant
    I specialize in Niceville properties and I am an expert on the Rocky Bayou and Bluewater Bay neighborhoods. As a wife of a retired military Veteran...
    Jenni Brunson
    HCA Florida Twin Cities Hospital, Marketing Manager
    Jenni Brunson has been the Marketing Manager at Twin Cities Hospital since November 2005. Her responsibilities include business development, mark...
    Patsy Bland
    Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate - Patsy Bland, Realtor
    Dan Kuhn
    Diamond Dan DJ Services
    Alan Wood
    CCB Community Bank - Niceville Branch, Florida President
    Tracy Wood
    NextHome Cornerstone Realty - Tracy Wood
    Paige Floyd Hart
    Bright Light Land Title Company, LLC, Owner
    Pamela Bonadonna
    Pamela Bonadonna, CPA
    Mandy Campbell
    Ferrin Campbell Construction & Roofing, Owner
    Kristine Stewart
    Legacy Wealth Management, CFP, CLU, ChFC